About us

The Drop-In Bereavement Centre is a small community organisation that gained charitable status in May 2015. It was established in 2011 to provide help and support to bereaved individuals age 18-80 years .The centre offers one to and peer group support counselling sessions with a range of well-being complementary therapies to help individuals address and tackle medical ailments associated with loss such as sleep deprivation, anxiety, stress, panic attacks and anger management. It also offers as part of a development health and well-being programme social activities to help process the grief journey. The Centre has an open-door policy and accepts referrals from outside of the London Borough of Newham.

Grief has a profound impact on the whole of the body and the services work toward improving mental and physical health as well as personal well-being.

One of our founding principles is that we work with the people we support as equal partners to design, plan and provide services together for their individual needs. We recognise that each of us has a different journey to take when we are bereaved.


Get the support you need through our services