Complementary Therapy

Treatments are one of the many services offered by the Centre on receipt of a completed Referral.

Below is a list of the different therapies which can be accessed and the benefits that can be derived from them:


At a time of grieving, Reiki and Spiritual Healing can be of great benefit to the bereaved. As the Universal Life Force Energies heal the whole mind, body, emotions and spirit, the energies will go a long way towards giving the individual inner peace and the ability to move forward in their lives.

Reiki and Spiritual Healing can only have a positive effect at a very negative time in our lives. I would recommend anyone who is going through the grieving process to consider having a Reiki or Spiritual Healing session.


Clinical Reflexology is a non-invasive, holistic therapy that works alongside conventional medical care, helping to rebalance your body to achieve healing and wellbeing in a relaxing, rejuvenating and therapeutic way. Releasing tension often brought on by stressful situations (bereavement), restoring energy levels, and improving sleep, helping you to feel emotionally and physically stronger.


Join our Complementary Therapist Annette via YouTube in a series of 10 mins sessions to learn about Aromatherapy and how it promotes health and well-being from the comfort of your own home, while we work through these challenging times. YouTube Links to all sessions can be found by clicking here.

Body/Indian Head Back and Shoulder massages Massage therapy is an integral form of treatment that can have a deep effect on the mind, body and emotions. Massage therapy supports the healthy digestive system, stimulates the lymphatic system and aids in improving circulation.

Massage therapy can be of great benefit to grief therapy.  By increasing the flow of circulation, massage flushes away hormones related to stress and increases the flow of endorphins which are natural mood elevators.

Grieving and mourning is a natural part of life, which is linked to a variety of physical and emotional states.  Grieving allows the body to express the pain and bereavement from the loss of a loved one or major life changes that trigger the feelings of grief.  Grieving aids in cleansing the acidic toxins that build up in the muscles.  Thus the benefits of massage can be extremely beneficial. The use of Aromatherapy Essential Oils in conjunction with massage can help to reduce the state of stress while calming the mind and spirit.

CranioSacral Therapy

This treatment therapy essentially empowers the patient to recognize or release blockages or tension, especially in the central nervous system. Without pain or discomfort, the therapist facilitates the letting go of patterns that restrict vitality, enhancing the body’s natural capacity for self-repair where a person has suffered bereavement. The results can be life-changing.

In the interests of safety, all recipients of Complementary Therapy will be expected to complete a health questionnaire. We would ask users to please try and keep their appointments once confirmed as professional Therapists are giving their time and effort to work in partnership with The Drop-in Bereavement Centre for the benefit of accessibility to such services

Low cost follow up treatments are also offered to encourage service users to continue accessing such treatments for the benefit of their health and well being.